
What are ShapedPunks?

ShapedPunks are 10,000 unique abstract art representations that correspond directly to individual CryptoPunks. Each ShapedPunk captures the identical color palette as its associated CryptoPunk, ensuring the symbols mirror the same color palette.

When mint?

Currently minting on OpenSea!

What price?

Only 0.0025 ETH per mint

Who the fork is Luc?

Greetings, I'm Luc, and I'm passionate about crafting online projects that leverage cutting-edge web technologies. As a dedicated developer, I thrive on handling vast amounts of data. Presently, I'm thrilled about my upcoming endeavor focused on CryptoPunks, where I'll be creating Ethereum-based assets.

I'm sure you're familiar with my other work, whether it's through familyNFTs, RipplePunks or LoadingPunks.